Let's Learn: NodeJS

Brief Overview : Node.js is an open source javascript framework that helps you build scalable and distributed applications. We provide training programs for both beginners and advanced users.


Your first application with NodeJS

Level: Beginner

Prerequisites: A Good knowledge of Javascript language and a significant experience in backend applications development

Course Objective: Mastering the fundamentals and understanding the particularity of Node.JS framework in building distributed applications. Real life use cases exercises will be held during this training session

The program

Mastering NodeJS

Level: Intermediate

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of Javascript language and basic features of the Node.js framework are required

Course Objective: Improve your mastery of fundamentals and understand the management of competitive calls, events, scalling, testing and other functionalities

The program

Expertise in NodeJS

Level: Advanced

Who is this program for? This training program helps you take your NodeJS expertise to an upper level: We'll highlight advanced real life usages of Node.js Scalling problem, security, testing and performances. We also are able to adapt this training plan to any specif need related to your business

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