Let's Learn: Web development using Angular

Brief Overview : Angular is an open source web client framework based on typescript used to build dynamic web applications. Our training program is structured in 3 learning levels. The initiation program deals with the basics (components, routing, forms ...) while the advanced and expert programs deal with performance issues, security, internationalization and more generally production


Your first application using Angular

Level: Beginner

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of javascript language and object-oriented programming are required. The knowledge of MVC model is a welcomed plus

Course Objective: Master the fundamentals and understand the basic features of the framework by developing your first Angular application. Components, routing, forms, HTTP client and other basic framework components will be covered during this training program.

The program

Mastering Angular

Level: Intermediate

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of javascript language, object-oriented programming and basic features of the angular framework

Course Objective: Improve your understanding of the fundamentals and master some of the advanced concepts of the frameworks: security management, lazy loading, internationalization, performance and production related issues.

The program

Expertise in Angular

Level: Advanced

Who is this program for? This training program helps you acquire new skills for an advanced use of Angular Framework: Security issues, lazy loading, internationalization, tests and performances. We will, first, analyze your needs to adjust our support according to you

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